Healing with Ancestors

Surgeon and Sangoma
David Cumes, M.D. was born in South Africa and has taught at Stanford Medical Center. He is a Western trained surgeon steeped in the allopathic paradigm of medicine and was also initiated in Swaziland as a sangoma (Zulu for shaman) in 2002.
He is uniquely trained to access information from the spirit world by a process of divination through the “Bones.”
Healing is then dispensed through rituals using plant medicines.
He has a surgical as well as an indigenous practice in Santa Barbara (USA) and is a bridge
between the allopathic and primal original wisdom.
"The West is replete with technical wonders. Our communication network is a veritable marvel with the likes of satellite phones, fax machines and the Internet. Yet ancient African wisdom has a lot to teach us about communication.
There is a realm of spirit, but there is also a veil that must be penetrated if we wish to communicate with this potential source of guidance.
Most westerners do not have the techniques to pierce the veil; sangomas do."
from Africa In My Bones: A surgeon's odyssey into the spirit world of African healing (Cumes 2004)
Sound and Soil Nature's 4 Beings by David Cumes, M.D.
For the full conversation with David Cumes click here
Other relevant work by David Cumes, M.D.:
He is the author of eight books; including; Inner Passages Outer Journeys, The Spirit of Healing, Africa in my Bones, Messages from the Ancestors, Healing Trees and Plants of the Lowveld, and The Source
